My daily prayer...

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

Friday, July 29, 2011

What a day...

We all have them...but today was one of this days, where I was not in the mood to play, think or feed anyone! So Julian ate, shredded wheat and fruit snacks...his favorite...every kid once in a while can eat what they I was not in the mood to cook! I Cleaned my entire upstairs...scrubbed the bathrooms...all 3 mind you...Murphy oil soaped all the wood work...all while not feeling good. I had to go on steroids due to a flare up with my back...side effects...I am MISERABLE! yes capital letters!!! So in order not to yell too much today, I resorted to cleaning...lord knows I wanted to crawl back into bed and pull the cover over my eyes...but Julian prevented that...THANK GOD! So it was a very productive day...but 7pm can't come soon enough! Jeff has been working 12 hour days and I am not complianing but by the time he walks in the door I am ready for bed! Thank god for good friends that keep me afloat and always there when I need them! This too shall pass!
Our block party is tomorrow...and since we have no kids on our street Julian will be going to Nana and Papa's for the day and night...some much need time off!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Great weekend...

Well all last week, Julian had VBS, but the weather was well over 90 almost everyday, so Thursday I kept him was a nice break for mommy and Julian for him to do this so I signed him up for one more the week of his birthday, so this way I am able to get some things done before his party! On Saturday, Julian and I had a great play date. We were there from 11:30 till 4:30! That was the longest playdate ever! But we all had fun! This was with a high school best friend of mine that we lost touch and reconnected via facebook and a party we saw each other at. It was a great time. The time went by so fast the next thing I knew it was 4:30! Holy Cow! And of course Julian is in love with her 7 yr old! He just loves the girls! So we are planning this big party for him...go big or go home!! So I am praying the weather is nice...please be nice!!! So that is where and what we did we hung out at home and then went to my parents for a pizza party. Julian is a fish...he is now swimming with his face and head totally in the water...goggles and ear band it and little geek! But he is cute and loves it! So do I!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In less then 3 weeks...

our Julian will be 4! Wow 4 years old...where has the time gone. I will say...I have so loved and will continue to love being his mother. He is the best gift that God has given me. He is so happy,intellegent, funny, beautiful, stubborn, and loving all rolled in to a cute little boy! He is goin back to Pre-K this year to the same is worth the distance to drive him there. Some of his friends won't be there this year, they are going to do universal pre k instead. I will admit, I am not ready for him to do 5 days. We are doing VBS right now and it is 5 days and I think it is too much for him. Yesterday he was fine when I picked him up, happy and he was not so much fun to be around! Maybe because it has been so darn hot here! UGH! I mean really!

We got an award from the Village that we live is for our gardens...I have put alot of energy into our gardens this has been well worth it! On the side is our house...and my awesome lavender that I refuse to split in the fear that it won't come back the same way or I might kill it! I make gifts for my girlfriends with it.
I was pleasantly surprised to receive a text message from an old friend. She was my very best friend for many years...and I have missed her dearly...we went out for coffee and have planned an outing with our children. THe great part was it was like we never stopped talking. We both said we were sorry for the past and agreed that it had been far too long not to talk. The funny thing was she didn't have to say she was sorry, she did nothing to me...It was me who was going through a difficult time and to think she had 3 children during that time and I missed it...and she missed I feel so blessed to have her back in my life again. I see her sister all the time during school, he daughter goes to the same Pre-K as Julian. It is just nice to have her back and she feels the same. Sometimes it is worth bringing an old friend back...sometimes it is not...this time it is! Well I can tell you this..we will never go 14 years again without talking to each other. That is for sure.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our summer so far has been awesome!

4th of july fireworks

my birthday cake

my girls!

Kite flying on fathers day

Making Papa his father's day gift

Julian full of mud...but having fun!

Our yard

Lobster Fest 2011

BFF's...opps and our wine

Jeff and Patrick...hanging out at a friends house for some drinks...

Joe and Sue our dear friends...I have known Joe for almost 20 years...Ouch!

OMG! Look at the deer eyes!!! Yes, I had a few glasses of wine and it was very late...Sue looks wonderful!

My best friend and I at her Birthday Party, we have been friends since grade school

My BFF's husband

My mommy and I...also my BFF (80lbs lighter in this photo from last year...woo hoo...for me! Woo Hoo!)

My hubby and son and I on my Birthday

My Daddy and I

We have had a wonderful summer so far. Jeff is back to work so it is Julian and mommy alone again! 12 hours days for daddy...we are enjoying playdates and daytime adventures! Sending you all hugs and blessings