Well...it is almost 2008 and I have to say, I am sad to see 2007 go. It was a good year. It started out slow but once May hit...it went fast. I feel so blessed to have had this wonderful experience of adoption and would not change a thing. I sit in my living room, with me on one lap top and Jeff on another, and Julian in his swing getting ready for an early evening nap. I couldn't be happier! Here is just a few things that happened to me in 2007:
1: Traveled to Dallas...rushed home for my father's emergency surgery.
2: Started our path to private adoption...mailed out 350 letters/brouchures, and contact every attorney and OB/GYN in the area.
3: became matched with a wonderful Birth mother and waited for our daughter to be born...ie...on July 3rd we found out that it was not going to be Petra Elizabeth but JULIAN PARKER!
4: It was a very long summer waiting for the arrival of our son
5: Our son arrived with open arms...for real...he came out with his arms raised to say...tada!
6:Quit my job..only to take on another and hating it!
7:Brought our son home, had his finalization, and dedication
8: Started a new job and traveled to Boston, MA
9:Enjoyed the holiday with our new family
10:Watching my son grow everyday
So that is it in a nut shell. For all of you who are waiting...keep the faith...for what ever reason...I knew that 2007 would be our year...not sure why I felt that way...I guess I just had a feeling. SO keep the faith...it will happen! Happy New Year! See you in 2008!
You're year was a lot like our year! Praise God
Isnt it something all that happens in just a year! Julian is such an adorable boy, give him a kiss from me! Tell him Jake says hi!
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